Dios Ti Agngina Elaine Javier

Holistic Health, Catholic Homeschool, Tradition

Creating a healthier and happier world using the very best food, herbs, and holistic modalities. Let’s start healing with ease and joy physically, emotionally, and spiritually!

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Health Coaching For Humanity

I recently had the privilege to interview IIN health coach, naturopath, entrepreneur, and humanitarian, Dr. Mary Jean Netario Cruz or Dr. Maggie, for Health Coach Week.  I admire her for so many reasons including her charisma, dedication and work in the health and wellness field, empowering marginalized communities,  interceding in times of local and national disaster and crisis, and her ability to heal and touch the poorest of the poor in the Philippines.  

Dr.  Maggie has received accolades by top magnesium authorities and scientists for her research and work and her Magiteque therapy.  

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean MD, ND, the world renowned magnesium expert and author of The Magnesium Miracle called her "The Magnesium Maven."  She has also noted that Dr. Maggie is the only one that she knows who does magnesium therapy in a clinical setting.
  • Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT said Dr. Maggie is a "co-warrior in the field of organic sulfur."

What is the importance of all of this?  It actually matters plenty.  According to Dr. Maggie, she has seen results with her Magiteque therapy for pain management, viral infections, dengue, influenza, measles, chicken pox, postherpatic neuralgia, shingles, herpes, ESRD for dialysis, enlarged thyroid, mental health conditions, comatose, eczema and other skin problems, dementia, Parkinson's disease, mental health issues, and tumors, paralysis, seizure, central nervous system issues, and much more.

A Conversation With Dr. Maggie


How did you become so passionate about health and wellness?

I am an accidental health coach!  Prior to this journey, I was a business consultant who did business automation, business systems and controls, and business software distribution until I found myself wanting to help empower disenfranchised communities. I earned an IIN scholarship because I connected an indigenous peoples organic farming project to a healthy meals school project.


What has been your greatest achievement as a health coach and as a naturopath doctor? 

Prior to becoming a health coach, I had no idea what it was.  Initially I thought it was a way to learn more about nutrition in a non-traditional setting.  As I began studying I realized it was more similar to consulting in the health realm.  I am more interested in helping disenfranchised communities so I focused my health coaching skills on community pain healing missions in remote and poor places.  I have also provided assistance whenever there is a disaster, like when the Philippines was devastated by Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), and more recently in the Marawi siege. Helping the displaced peoples in Marawi is probably one of my greatest successes.  The protocols I developed for people suffering from PTSD was adapted by Mindanao State University, Iligan Medical School Foundation and the Armed Forces of the Philippines among others.



What are the challenges of being a health coach in the Philippines?

I am not a typical health coach.  I focus more on addressing health-related social issues, particularly pain management for the mind, body and spirit – a “human system approach” for poor communities.  Currently my private practice and the contributions of wealthy individuals and organizations fund this initiative, but continuing to fund community healing missions is my biggest challenge.


I am intrigued with the Magiteque Pain Therapy Center.  Can you describe how the process of healing happens and what sessions look like for a patient?

Magiteque Therapy is an integration of both of my disciplines as a certified health coach and naturopath doctor.  Magiteque Therapy, depending on the health issue, can be done transdermally, orally or by inhalation.  It is safe for all ages and even for pregnant woman.  Clinical Magiteque Therapy starts with learning the patient’s health history followed by two hours of mineral spraying, inhalation or with an oral protocol combination.  For muscle pain, I combine trigger point techniques and energy healing.  The Magiteque Therapy concludes by taking a warm bath and then reassessing the patient’s condition.  Results are immediate.  A treatment plan can be designed after the first treatment, but in most cases is not needed. 

Congratulations on your new restaurant Chives Bistro and Market!  Please tell me what patrons can expect and experience.

If you have the palate for exquisite yet affordable food, Chives Bistro is the place to go.  Chives is a blend of Asian and European cuisine - fine dining in a casual setting.  We use nothing but freshly harvested food and no artificial flavorings.  Plus the passion our chef has for sumptuous healthy meals can really be tasted!  And I’m not just saying that because my son is the chef because I am not easily pleased when it comes to food, and the food really meets my standards.    I highly recommend that you visit us if you are ever in Manila!   


Please discuss your initiative the Community Home Substance Abuse Recovery Program or CSARP in connection to the war on drugs campaign of President Duterte.

Having taken the course “The Addicted Brain” at Emory University, I understand the role of electro-ionic minerals in neurotransmitters and this gave me a rare perspective especially in the Philippines.  When the war on drugs started, I began attending to addicts suffering from Substance Abuse Withdrawal Syndrome.  I had been treating similar symptoms in patients previously.  I created the “Seven Days Neuro-Detox Program” incorporating Magiteque therapy, EcoTherapy, Psychological First Aid and Positive Psychology.  Addicts have been thankful for this initiative. And I give lectures and seminars for those who want to learn more.  For my efforts, I was recognized by my hometown with the Dangal ng Pililla Award.


What's next for you in your amazing life journey?

Lots of things!  I am coming out with my first book, followed by “how to” booklets on the Magiteque therapy for different health issues.  Our FDA license is in process, which means we will be able to make affordable mineral sprays for the mass market soon.  This will definitely help a lot of people dealing with various pain issues, and will also fund the community healing missions we are doing.  I am beginning to focus on diabetes and would like to develop protocols to treat diabetes without the use of drugs, and then train medical professionals who are willing to learn about these protocols.  Long term, I dream about having my own well-being farm, where people can come to heal!


Marawi Siege PTSD Prevention And Care Initiative

You can learn more about the Battle of Marawi or the Marawi Siege HERE.  The battle happened in May 23, 2017 and lasted for five long months.  It's known as the longest urban battle in recent Philippine history.  

Dr. Maggie's PTDS Prevention and Care Initiative in Marawi was facilitated by Archbishop Gilbert A. Garcera of Lipa with ArchbishopTony Ledesma of CDO and with the late Bishop Nitz Galido of Iligan to help Bishop of Marawi Edwin dela Peña.  

This is Dr. Maggie with Fr. Teresito "Chito" Soganub, the Marawi priest who was taken hostage, and who was under the care of Dr. Maggie for coaching and naturopathic treatment.

Below are some pictures during the Marawi Siege PTSD Prevention and Care Initiative.  There were trained volunteers who helped destress the Marawi IDPs.

Follow Dr. Maggie on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/epigeneticsprecursors 

Email:  magiteque@gmail.com

Follow Chives Bistro Restaurant and Market on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ChivesPH

I am not a typical health coach.  I focus more on addressing health-related social issues, particularly pain management for the mind, body and spirit – a ‘human system approach’ for poor communities.

What Is The Role Of Health Coaches In Healthcare?

I’m Abby, a holistic health coach who graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and I’m continuing my education at Functional Nutrition. I am the founder and owner of curechoices.com.  I help people with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, type 2 diabetes, and weight loss. My friendship with Elaine started in 2016 when we became accountability coaches for each other as part of the IIN curriculum. I would like to thank her for giving me the opportunity to write in her blog.

Everyone has a reason why they want to choose their career.  It was my own health problems that motivated me to choose a career in holistic nutrition and wellness. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in 2009, 10 months after giving birth to my second baby. When I was diagnosed, I was not happy with the idea of getting on a prescription medication for the rest of my life. I was looking into the possibilities of curing the disease. I discovered that I had to follow a disciplined protocol where I needed to make some dietary changes, along with the supplements and exercise to address the root cause of the problem. I was mentally prepared to do whatever it took to accomplish that.  Within few months I started to feel better.  I started to see the numbers of the anti-thyroid antibodies coming down and then gradually it came down to normal range.  I was able to put my Hashimoto’s in remission. In this journey of healing my disease, it dawned on me that the most important aspect of healing any disease is taking care of yourself by getting the proper nutrition, making the appropriate lifestyle changes, getting enough physical activities, and last but not least believing in yourself.

Over the last few decades there has been a significant rise in chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, food allergies, and obesity. When you visit a doctor for these kinds of illnesses, doctors work primarily to identify the symptoms and treat for the symptoms. They really don’t have enough time to dig deep to find the root cause of the problem or to find what is really going on with the patient.

This is where the role of health coaches comes in.  They can step in and provide support. The main role of a holistic health coach is to guide the clients toward a healthy lifestyle.  They help them not only with food but in all areas of their life – their relationships, spirituality, exercise, and career.  They can help their clients balance these because the imbalance of one can adversely affect the other areas.

Each person is unique with their individual requirements. One person’s physiology, cell structure, metabolism, and body structure are different from another person's. Each person has unique needs according to their age, gender, size, lifestyle, blood type, and ancestry. A holistic health coach can work according to the specific needs of their clients.  They can give you recipes and diet guidelines, exercise and lifestyle changes which can help their clients to achieve optimal health goals. Health coaches educate and support their clients throughout the process of healing.

A health coach is a mentor, friend, cheerleader, and guide.  He or she can help by recommending lifestyle and behavioral changes and by challenging the client to listen to their inner wisdom, identify their inner strengths, and transform their dreams into action!

I hope you enjoyed this article and feel free to leave comments!

Website: www.curechoices.com

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CureChoices/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/curechoices/

A health coach is a mentor, friend, cheerleader, and guide.

My Journey Into Health Coaching And What Makes Me Passionate About Helping People

The First Shift

My first major shift in my life occurred shortly after my divorce. I would have to say, I was in the best shape of my life... so I thought. I was exercising constantly to try to help myself with all the things I was going through. I had just endured a few years of very intense constant stress. I was taking care of three children by myself. Trying to work at a very stressful 100% commission sales job. I lived in an area where I had limited support and no family. I had thought I had made it through and was maybe headed into an upswing.

On a May morning I got up from bed to let my dogs out. I was walking and all of a sudden I fell. I got up and fell again. I repeated this a few times and then I realized something was very wrong. I won't go through all the gory details I will just say I had a stroke at 40.

Once at the hospital, the doctors told me this was caused by a tear in an artery in my neck most likely caused by a severe trauma or injury.  I did not have any severe trauma or injury. Unless you count the couple of years of severe stress. Yup, that was it!

I was very lucky to be alive and with no major damage. I was told by the doctors "Take it easy". "Don't run anymore". And my personal favorite "You are a delicate flower". However, I couldn't live with any of that. I did a lot of research and it was bleak. Until I found an article about a football player who had a similar experience and went on to continue to play football. That was it! Right at that moment I stopped and decided I would go with that one positive story. I decided I loved running and continued to do so . It was very challenging in the beginning but I worked through it and ran my first 5k in December that same year!

I have run 1 Marathon, 5 Half Marathons, and 4 Ragnars ( 200 mile relay race), among many other fun races. So far I'm still kicking and still running today! The lesson I took away from this was don't take anything for granted and enjoy your life now. Not at some endpoint you're going to reach. I get caught up in life just like everyone else but I always bring myself back to a balanced place and I continue to learn more about being successful living on purpose!

The Second Shift

My second major shift was in 2013-2014 when my mom became ill. In a matter of two months she went from being a vivacious lively woman to being gone. She had passed away from cancer. Apparently it was so metastasized that there was not really anything they could do. While my family had some time to prepare it was unbearable to watch this happen. I felt very frustrated and helpless.

My Call To Action

These events created a call to action in my life. I was watching family members and friends struggle with auto immune diseases, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and weight gain. I myself struggled with stress, acne, and added weight around my midsection. Many of these issues are shared with the majority of the population including children. I decided I needed to figure out a plan to improve my odds, stay healthy, and help others do the same! My lesson from all these events in my life led me to the Institute of Integrative Nutrition to get certified as a Health and Wellness Coach. This is where I learned the concept of primary food and secondary food. Primary Food is your physical activity, health, education, career, finances, creativity, spirituality, joy, social life, relationships, home environment, and home cooking. Secondary food is your nutrition. You need to create balance between all these things in order to live a healthy life. This is where I come in. During my health coaching sessions I will help you achieve this step by step!

How I Work With People

I like to follow a plant based (vegan) whole food diet. I stress whole food meaning real food because in this day and age a large part of the population does not eat real food. People ask me all the time, "Do I have to be vegan to work with you?" The answer is no, absolutely not. We are all different and our bodies need different things. It's best to learn what works for you personally. Do I push veggies on people? Definitely! :)

Because of my background I plan on specializing in working with busy women helping them de-stress, unplug, focus on self-care, get rid of those extra pounds, and create health and balance for themselves and their families. I can't stress how important it is to take care of yourself so that you can take of the people you love and enjoy your life.  Are you ready to take back your health and freedom to live a balanced full life? Are you ready to live on purpose?

I continue to love to share everything that has worked for me and strive to find the best things for everyone on their path to a Healthy Balanced Life! 

Take care of you,


Tina Stinson

Healthy Balanced Living


The lesson I took away from this was don’t take anything for granted and enjoy your life now. Not at some endpoint you’re going to reach. I get caught up in life just like everyone else but I always bring myself back to a balanced place and I continue to learn more about being successful living on purpose!

Spreading Joy And Love Through Painting And Health Coaching

Hello from my small country of Lebanon!  I am Lulu, painter and wellness advocate, following my passion for painting to wellness synchronizing my education, knowledge, and experience, trying to spread joy and love.

Throughout my life I have suffered several health issues which mainly were related to digestive irregularities.  I knew there was a misdiagnosis in my case.  I began searching and researching following my curiosity to know the root cause.  Never by any chance did it occur to me that I would someday study holistic health coaching.  It was as if all the pieces just fell into their places and the big white canvas became a complete painted artwork.  The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) not only gave me the knowledge but expanded my perspective.  Becoming a wellness advocate and counselor was tantamount to being a creative artist (my original specialty).

Lebanon went through a very destructive civil war during the mid-seventies till 1990.  It was devastating.  It ruined and wounded Lebanese.  I studied fine arts under bombardment and explosions.  There was no water and no electricity but life went on.  I even earned a scholarship to pursue my masters in Italy.  Working, living, and surviving every day was always a challenge.  Even after the war ended there was always the realization that civil war could break out again. 

My education was enhanced by the introduction of essential oils and energy healing.  My exploration of integrating all-natural foods and herbs helped to restore my body, mind, and spirit, resulting in more of a state of peace and gratitude.  Art and painting were my antidotes to the poisonous, negative thoughts of war and hatred.  Through my art, I colored my life to be the grateful person I am now. 

Artwork By Lulu Baassiri

Black Magic Woman 100x100 oil on canvas 1993.  Exhibited in Washington, DC in 2012.

Sunflower 60x80 pastel on velour 2011.

102x82cm pastel on velour paper 2011.

Mosaic With Mixed Media.  110x110 real Venetian mosaic 2000 - 2001.

Red Rose 70x62 pastel on velour paper 2011.

Never by any chance did it occur to me that I would someday study holistic health coaching. It was as if all the pieces just fell into their places and the big white canvas became a complete painted artwork.

Do You Want To Live Or Do You Want To Thrive?

Do you want to live or do you want to thrive?  This was the question I asked myself so many times! 

Hi!  My name is Jurgita Caballero and I am an IIN Certified Holistic Health Coach and a student at The School of Applied Functional Medicine and The Institute for Functional Health Coaching

My interest in a healthy lifestyle started about 16 years ago.  But it really took a turn about four years ago when I lost my beautiful mother, my best friend, to cancer.  I wanted to know why people are getting sick so much more than ever?  What is causing it?  What are we missing? What are we not doing right?

I had many health issues growing up.  I was on a prescription antibiotic for seven years since my birth.  At one point in my life, I was more than 40 pounds overweight.  It took me years of trial and error, but thankfully it has been more than 15 years that I am at my healthy weight. 

I know what it feels to be hopeless.  When you are not feeling well and no one can give you any answers, and you can’t enjoy your life to the fullest, it stinks! 

People often ask me what do I eat, what do I do to keep my weight in balance and stay healthy.

I say, it doesn’t really matter, because in reality what had worked for me, might not work for another person. That’s BIOINDIVIDUALITY. The secret is to discover what works for that unique body.

Becoming educated in the field of functional medicine gave me an opportunity to really dive deep in understanding how all our body parts, glands, organs, hormones work together.  There are no islands.  Everything is interconnected.  No one way of eating or lifestyle works for everyone. 

My passion is helping people to find what works for them, identify the triggers that are in their way for maximum wellness, and help them to change it at the pace that feels comfortable for them. 

We are so used to popping a pill to numb our pain, without realizing that the body is sending us signals that it needs our attention.  By ignoring those symptoms, we are only promoting the diagnoses of some sort of ailment or disease in the long run. 

It doesn’t have to be that way.  I coach people to learn to listen to their bodies and address these symptoms by getting to the true root cause of the problem.

How do we do that?

Maximize what their unique body needs (food, sleep, raw materials your body needs to function optimally, oxygen, water).

Minimize what their unique body struggles with (toxins, infections, allergens, stress, trauma, limiting beliefs, fear, negative expectations).

Prioritize and create an environment for healing for this unique person (sleep, rest, laughter, stress reduction, exercise, stretching, breathing, meaningful relationships).

My goal is to Educate, Inspire, and Empower people to own their wellness!  True health starts with us when we decide to be well!  

Do you want to know how a healthy body feels like?  Then let me help you!

Thank you,




Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LivinganAbundantLife365/

Do you want to live or do you want to thrive?