Dios Ti Agngina Elaine Javier

Holistic Health, Catholic Homeschool, Tradition

Creating a healthier and happier world using the very best food, herbs, and holistic modalities. Let’s start healing with ease and joy physically, emotionally, and spiritually!

Filtering by Tag: health coach week 2018

Spreading Joy And Love Through Painting And Health Coaching

Hello from my small country of Lebanon!  I am Lulu, painter and wellness advocate, following my passion for painting to wellness synchronizing my education, knowledge, and experience, trying to spread joy and love.

Throughout my life I have suffered several health issues which mainly were related to digestive irregularities.  I knew there was a misdiagnosis in my case.  I began searching and researching following my curiosity to know the root cause.  Never by any chance did it occur to me that I would someday study holistic health coaching.  It was as if all the pieces just fell into their places and the big white canvas became a complete painted artwork.  The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) not only gave me the knowledge but expanded my perspective.  Becoming a wellness advocate and counselor was tantamount to being a creative artist (my original specialty).

Lebanon went through a very destructive civil war during the mid-seventies till 1990.  It was devastating.  It ruined and wounded Lebanese.  I studied fine arts under bombardment and explosions.  There was no water and no electricity but life went on.  I even earned a scholarship to pursue my masters in Italy.  Working, living, and surviving every day was always a challenge.  Even after the war ended there was always the realization that civil war could break out again. 

My education was enhanced by the introduction of essential oils and energy healing.  My exploration of integrating all-natural foods and herbs helped to restore my body, mind, and spirit, resulting in more of a state of peace and gratitude.  Art and painting were my antidotes to the poisonous, negative thoughts of war and hatred.  Through my art, I colored my life to be the grateful person I am now. 

Artwork By Lulu Baassiri

Black Magic Woman 100x100 oil on canvas 1993.  Exhibited in Washington, DC in 2012.

Sunflower 60x80 pastel on velour 2011.

102x82cm pastel on velour paper 2011.

Mosaic With Mixed Media.  110x110 real Venetian mosaic 2000 - 2001.

Red Rose 70x62 pastel on velour paper 2011.

Never by any chance did it occur to me that I would someday study holistic health coaching. It was as if all the pieces just fell into their places and the big white canvas became a complete painted artwork.

Do You Want To Live Or Do You Want To Thrive?

Do you want to live or do you want to thrive?  This was the question I asked myself so many times! 

Hi!  My name is Jurgita Caballero and I am an IIN Certified Holistic Health Coach and a student at The School of Applied Functional Medicine and The Institute for Functional Health Coaching

My interest in a healthy lifestyle started about 16 years ago.  But it really took a turn about four years ago when I lost my beautiful mother, my best friend, to cancer.  I wanted to know why people are getting sick so much more than ever?  What is causing it?  What are we missing? What are we not doing right?

I had many health issues growing up.  I was on a prescription antibiotic for seven years since my birth.  At one point in my life, I was more than 40 pounds overweight.  It took me years of trial and error, but thankfully it has been more than 15 years that I am at my healthy weight. 

I know what it feels to be hopeless.  When you are not feeling well and no one can give you any answers, and you can’t enjoy your life to the fullest, it stinks! 

People often ask me what do I eat, what do I do to keep my weight in balance and stay healthy.

I say, it doesn’t really matter, because in reality what had worked for me, might not work for another person. That’s BIOINDIVIDUALITY. The secret is to discover what works for that unique body.

Becoming educated in the field of functional medicine gave me an opportunity to really dive deep in understanding how all our body parts, glands, organs, hormones work together.  There are no islands.  Everything is interconnected.  No one way of eating or lifestyle works for everyone. 

My passion is helping people to find what works for them, identify the triggers that are in their way for maximum wellness, and help them to change it at the pace that feels comfortable for them. 

We are so used to popping a pill to numb our pain, without realizing that the body is sending us signals that it needs our attention.  By ignoring those symptoms, we are only promoting the diagnoses of some sort of ailment or disease in the long run. 

It doesn’t have to be that way.  I coach people to learn to listen to their bodies and address these symptoms by getting to the true root cause of the problem.

How do we do that?

Maximize what their unique body needs (food, sleep, raw materials your body needs to function optimally, oxygen, water).

Minimize what their unique body struggles with (toxins, infections, allergens, stress, trauma, limiting beliefs, fear, negative expectations).

Prioritize and create an environment for healing for this unique person (sleep, rest, laughter, stress reduction, exercise, stretching, breathing, meaningful relationships).

My goal is to Educate, Inspire, and Empower people to own their wellness!  True health starts with us when we decide to be well!  

Do you want to know how a healthy body feels like?  Then let me help you!

Thank you,




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Do you want to live or do you want to thrive?