side effects of HBP medication — Food — Dios Ti Agngina Elaine Javier

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Dios Ti Agngina Elaine Javier

Holistic Health, Catholic Homeschool, Tradition

Creating a healthier and happier world using the very best food, herbs, and holistic modalities. Let’s start healing with ease and joy physically, emotionally, and spiritually!

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5 Things My Dad Failed To Do When He Suffered From High Blood Pressure


I've been thinking a lot about heart disease and how it's greatly affected so many families including my own. Everyone is connected to someone who's suffered from heart disease.

My dad suffered from high blood pressure and it was problematic on a daily basis.  I am thankful that he was able to reverse his high blood pressure and get off the medication for good.

Here is a list of the top five things that DID NOT help my dad when he had hypertension.  I thought that this list could help those who are currently suffering.

5 Things My Dad Failed To Do When He Suffered From High Blood Pressure 

1. He didn't quit coffee and caffeine. He easily drank more than a pot of coffee a day. At the time he wasn't aware that caffeine was affecting his heart condition. 

2. He refused to give up the junk. My dad loved Krispy Kreme Donuts, cream and sugar in his coffee, cereal, and all kinds of frozen novelties and coffee cakes. Fast food was easy to grab at McDonald's, KFC, Wendy's, etc. especially when my mom and dad owned a beauty salon. And table salt (including Morton's salt), the chemicalized crap with no minerals, was used in all the home cooking. All the crap and junk were addictions that he thought he couldn't live without.

3. Regular exercise was not a priority after my dad retired from the Navy. My dad enjoyed a relaxed, slow paced lifestyle like some retirees but he did not exert himself physically. He knew something was the matter when he was in NYC visiting family and had trouble catching his breath. Like everyone in his shoes he saw the doctor. What was the result? The dosage of his HBP medication increased. End of story and no questions asked. 

4. My dad never read the side effects of his HBP medication, Losartan. My dad just shrugged off the visible bruising that suddenly appeared all over his body. He never noticed it until my mom mentioned it. He had tightness in the chest area, anxiety, problems urinating, fatigue, and other issues. All of these are current side effects of the drug Losartan. 

5. My dad took everything too seriously. He always kept checking his blood pressure. He was quite stern, hardly smiled or laughed. How could he when he was scared and anxious all the time? 

We make things way too complicated. There is an easier way. People keep taking their meds hoping that these things are the cure and miracle to make them get better. That's fine and all if you want to live the hard way and continue to struggle.

The good news is that I've got something really cool cooking!  I'm hoping to launch it very soon.  If you or someone you know would be interested in reversing their high blood pressure, heart disease and/or high cholesterol, you'll want to stay tuned.

This is a picture of my dear dad when he was in active duty more than three decades ago. He wasn't on HBP medication then but it was to come and he ended up being on medication for ten years. My dad chose better and greater for himself. And that's truly awesome! How does it get any better than that?!