lucky 7 shake — Food — Dios Ti Agngina Elaine Javier

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Dios Ti Agngina Elaine Javier

Holistic Health, Catholic Homeschool, Tradition

Creating a healthier and happier world using the very best food, herbs, and holistic modalities. Let’s start healing with ease and joy physically, emotionally, and spiritually!

Filtering by Tag: lucky 7 shake


One of my son's favorite books is "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom".  It's a fun children's book about alphabet letters going up the coconut tree.

In today's post I highlight the coconut since it's become known as a superfood.  I practically use it every day in my cooking and in skincare.  It's become one of those items that I can't live without.  I've got a bottle in the kitchen and another one in the bathroom.  

For the past week, I've been serving my family a coconut milk shake with frozen peaches and raspberries.  It's been well received in my household thankfully.  My boy signals for more so I've been making two batches every morning.  Then he does a happy dance and keeps slurping away.

Here's my latest shake concoction called Lucky 7.  My son Constantine helps me make this.  It's great because we've made it into a numbers game.  I round up the fruits and all the other ingredients, count up to seven, and he drops the ingredient into the blender.  May it help power up your day as it does for us!  Have it in the morning for breakfast or as an afternoon snack with coconut chips.  Oh so addicting but so healthy for you!


Lucky 7 Shake


3/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk (So Delicious brand, green label.  So it's easy to remember, 3 + 4 = 7)

3/4 organic banana or a small banana

7 frozen organic peach slices

7 frozen organic raspberries

7 ice cubes

7 raw almonds

1 to 2 tsp organic coconut oil (optional but recommended)

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp pur vanilla extract

1 tbsp coconut nectar or to taste (optional)

1 tsp ground flaxseed meal

1 tsp protein powder



Blend the ingredients in a blender till you get the desired consistency.  If you don't want it too cold and thick, you can  add less ice cubes.  Also try 7 frozen organic strawberries to change up the recipe.  Enjoy!

Resources for Clean Eating

My 1 Month Health Coaching Program

Advanced TRS

Have it in the morning for breakfast or as an afternoon snack with coconut chips. Oh so addicting but so healthy for you!