Nepal. I have never been to Nepal but I would love to go there some day. Why? Because Nepal reminds me of my beloved Philippines. From what I hear, it is an enchanting country and the Nepalese people are so warm and friendly.
My first meeting with a Nepalese was nearly ten years ago when I worked for a community bank in Northern Virginia. Her name was Mrs. Thapa. I remember a petite pretty lady filled with vibrancy, a shining spirit, and a smiling countenance. I remember thinking after that meeting that I'd really like to get to know her. As the days and months passed I saw her more and more at the bank. She applied for a position and became an employee at my branch. She eventually became a very good friend. Today I simply call her Anjana.
Anjana is from the heart of Nepal, the capital Kathmandu. Recently, she contacted me about the tragedy that has taken place in her beloved Nepal. We've all experienced devastation in some form or another. It's frightening and sickening all at the same time. These horrific events remind us how fragile humanity really is. But we can overcome and triumph in tough times. The human spirit is stronger than what we think.
Today I would like to offer a simple prayer to all the Nepalese people and for their crying country.
Lord God,
Please look upon the people of Nepal and send Your healing hand on every single person especially those who have been wounded and have lost their homes and/or loved ones. Grant them courage and strength to rebuild their country to give You honor and praise always.
Friends, let's lift up Nepal! If you have not yet donated and would like to help, please consider giving to, a site that Anjana's daughter Devina has created to help those who are in most need of being cared for in Nepalese hospitals. Every dollar counts so please know that any amount is deeply appreciated. Also, please continue to keep Nepal and its people in your prayers. God bless and thank you!
Attached are pictures that showcase the beauty and color of Nepal before the earthquake disaster that occurred on Saturday, April 25, 2015.