Dios Ti Agngina Elaine Javier

Holistic Health, Catholic Homeschool, Tradition

Creating a healthier and happier world using the very best food, herbs, and holistic modalities. Let’s start healing with ease and joy physically, emotionally, and spiritually!

Advanced TRS (Detox Spray)

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Advanced TRS (Detox Spray)


Advanced TRS stands for Toxin and Contaminant Removal System. It is the easiest and most painless detox that I have found to be effective for me, my family and my clients. I have gotten so many success stories with this product alone. I recommend it for everyone including pregnant women, babies and elderly.

PLEASE ORDER through my referral website here: https://elaine.mycoseva.com/

*If you have a healthcare savings account you may be able to use it to purchase Advanced TRS. How does it get any better than that?

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Advanced TRS FAQs

What is Advanced TRS?
Coseva’s Advanced TRS is a clean, lab-grown, nano-sized zeolite (clinoptilolite) that has been bound to a water molecule to allow it to go anywhere in the body that water can.

Who made it?
It was developed by Tracy Holdford PHD.

How long has it been around?
TRS Clear has been around for roughly 5 years, while Advanced TRS has been around since roughly 2015.  The TRS Clear is an older formula, and the Advanced TRS is the product made to replace TRS Clear. I recommend that you purchase Advanced TRS.

Usage Rate:
The standard usage rate is 1 spray per 30 pounds of weight.  You may always do more or less – because each person is different.  Your average adult using the recommended 5 sprays per day, will have a bottle last them approximately per month (there are roughly 150 sprays in a single bottle).

Can a few sprays really do that much?
Advanced TRS binds to a whole range of toxins, and has a special affinity for those that are positively charged (heavy metals, Xenoestrogens, weedkillers and pesticides, radioactive material, histamines, etc).

Every bottle contains over 350 olympic sized swimming pools worth of surface area to help neutralize toxins.  That’s over 2 swimming pools of surface area in every spray to help you detox safely!!!

How exactly does Advanced TRS work?
Advanced TRS is a zeolite with a cage-like structure that has an extremely powerful negative electric charge.  This negative charge is attracted to the positively charged toxins and binds them inside a soccer ball like cage.  In doing so this way – this neutralizes the pathogenic positive charge and the ability for toxins to interact on with anything on the way out of the body.

Simply put – this means Advanced TRS is a true chelator that neutralizes toxins so they can be safely excreted and not cause harm on the way out!

Will Advanced TRS absorb beneficial nutrients?
The essential minerals are in a neutral salt form in our bodies. The zeolite is not attracted to the lesser ionic charges that these nutrients possess. The toxins however are not used in the body and thus are not converted to salts but rather sequestered in the body, waiting for TRS to remove them. As soon as a body identifies a mineral as beneficial, the body brings in other elements to change that raw mineral to another compound (usually a salt) which effectively has a neutral ionic charge. Consequently, the mineral is unavailable for exchange with TRS. For example, the body has ferritin, not pure iron. Also, the body does not have magnesium (which is very reactive and volatile) but rather magnesium citrate, calcite and so on. Additionally, the body stores forms of minerals in ways that make it difficult for TRS to remove them. The body only converts elements back to ionic form when the cell is ready to use the mineral. That is done within the individual cell and is a very quick process. Again, it is not conducive for removal via TRS. If the mineral is in excess or is for any reason not converted to a salt for use by the body, then the TRS may remove that excess.

Who would want to use it?
Anyone with an MTHFR mutation, Lyme, Auto-Immune conditions, Vaccine damage, a locked Vagal stress response, children with speech delays and sensory processing disorders, people with mood disorders, candida overgrowth, parasites, high stress, adrenal and thyroid fatigue, and anyone looking to support their health in general.

What can I expect as far as benefits?
The benefits from using Advance TRS can range from improved adrenal function, lower stress, higher clarity of thinking, decreased joint and body pain, enhanced dreaming, improved memory, increased attention span, personality normalization, decreased metal toxicity, parasite purges, candida overgrowth support, improved motor function, eyesight support, emotional regulation support, speech support, improved sleep, improved energy, and more.

What can I expect as far as side effects?
TRS can cause a parasite purge, as parasites consume heavy metals to hide from the immune system.  As the metals leave – the parasites are easier for the immune system to attack.  This can lead to a sluggish lymph system which can be supported in numerous ways from juicing to essential oils.

TRS can cause a change in sleep patterns as the pineal gland and melatonin cycles reset.  Also, your body energy systems as they reset or start getting supported can cause sleep patterns to change for a little bit.

Some people experience mild headaches, sore throats, and runny noses.  Pathogenic microbes use heavy metals to lay down biofilms to guard themselves from the immune system, and as the metals leave the biofilms can begin to break loose or toxicity that was held behind the metals can start to break free and start moving.  This is usually temporary and once again, you may support your body in numerous ways to help support the immune system and a body cleanse.

An emotional detox is highly common, as heavy metals trap in negative emotions not only genetically, but by locking on brain patterns.  These habits or “emotional patterns” can start to break lose as physical toxicity leaves, creating a pathway for emotional toxicity to leave.  This can be experienced as general anxiety, mood swings, emotional sensitivity, or old traumas to surface to be processed by the conscious mind.

Are there any contradictions?
Those on medications that are heavy metal or lithium based, chemotherapy drugs, or those with complete kidney failure or on dialysis should not use TRS.

What’s the deal with parasites and heavy metals?
One of the greatest videos on this subject may be found here:
Essentially parasites consume heavy metals and coat themselves in them to hide from the immune system.  If the immune system goes to kill the parasites, this causes a heavy metal dump which can cause a candida flare up, which in turn creates a better living environment for the parasites to flourish.

TRS helps to safely remove these metals – so the immune system has a better chance to remove the parasites safely.

Many customers report passing parasites after starting TRS – which in our opinion is awesome.

Lyme and heavy metals too?
Lyme disease creates a condition known as “Kryptopyrolurria” – in which the pathogen secretes and enzyme causes you to pee out all of your essential minerals like zinc – which in turn will make you hold on to extra mercury and cadmium (as they are in the same vertical column in the periodic table of elements).

This helps the Lyme to continue to proliferate and lay down biofilms filled with heavy metals to disable the immune system, on top of the essential mineral deficiency that Kryptopyrolurria creates.

TRS also has mild anti-pathogenic-microbial properties that can further support the immune system as well.

A wonderful video on Lyme and kryoptopyrolurria can be found here:

EMF’s and Heavy metal toxicity?
Heavy metals pick up on the frequencies of EMF’s and can react to them.  This in essence if you are heavy metal toxic, makes you a walking antenna for EMF’s drastically raising your sensitivity to them.  EMF’s when interacting in this manner with heavy metals, can also cause an extreme disruption to healthy microbiota.

TRS helps to support the removal of metals to help lower your sensitivity to EMF’s.

Auto-Immune disorders and Heavy Metals?
Heavy metals invoke a large immune response, and can trick your body into attacking itself.  Heavy metals can also (and often tend to) get stuck in your Vagal complex – which will cause your stress response to lock on.

When your stress response is locked on, your body’s immune system is shifted to physical stress response, which lowers your ability to fight infection (TH1/TH2 immunity shift).

Vaccines are also notorious for inducing a stress response and auto-immune responses, which the information can be found in these videos here:

Heavy metals on their way to be excreted via the digestive tract can also burden the lymph system of the digestive tract – which can lead to pathogenic overgrowth of microbes, food sensitivities, excess pathogenic biofilms laden with heavy metals, cause a negative shift in pleomorphic microbes, which in turn can cause mental disruption as 70% of your neurotransmitters are made in your digestive tract.

Several published studies have demonstrated that TRS (Clinoptilolite) binds to a range of myco-toxins (toxins from fungi). Acting as an antimycotica, TRS is also used in preparations for humans to help with fungal infections. 

TRS does not accumulate in the body and does not attach itself to body tissues. It remains suspended while drawing out heavy metals that are attached to body tissues. This process allows the body to dispose of the metals through its normal detoxification processes. It reduces any die-off symptoms caused by the mycotoxins that candida can produce. It raises intestinal ph restoring the correct balance of acidity in the small and large intestine. The rising ph levels kills bad bacteria while promoting the growth of good bacteria thus helping to restore your bacterial imbalance to normal.

If you suffer from chronic health problems or chronic candida/parasite infections then heavy metal toxicity is a likely reason as to why you are not getting better and regaining your health.

How is TRS different than chelation therapy?
Some of the common side effects of chelating agents include: 

Burning sensation when injected into a vein 

Fever and chills 


Nausea and vomiting 


Convulsions or seizures 

Fall in blood pressure 

Breathlessness or tightness in the chest 

Respiratory failure 

Low blood calcium 

Irregular heartbeats or cardiac arrhythmias 

Severe allergic reactions may occur with the use of some chelators and lead to skin rash, eczema, exacerbation of asthma or asthma attacks. 

Severe hypersensitivity reactions may lead to anaphylactic shock and even death. 

Depression of the bone marrow leading to low counts of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. This can lead to anemia, infections and an increased bleeding tendency. 

Kidney damage and failure leading to end stage renal disease requiring dialysis. 

Liver damage may be seen with some chelating agents and some patients may develop liver failure. 

Damage to the brain leading to a decline in cognitive function 

Vitamins and vital nutrients may leave the body along with the heavy metal. This can be a particular problem among children who require adequate levels of nutrients for normal growth and development. In addition, vitamin supplements may not always replenish the loss of vital nutrients caused by long term chelation therapy.

Advanced TRS is NOT chelation therapy – it’s better.  While it is a true chelating agent, it does not work in the same way as IV or Oral Chelation Therapy.
Advanced TRS is selective in what it picks up, and does not burden the body systems in the excretion process.

This makes TRS a much easier, more cost effective, and safer way to help remove heavy metals.

Also, TRS does not require you to sit still for long periods of time with an IV in.  This is incredibly useful for those with children who have behavioral or sensory disorders – as Advanced TRS tastes like nothing but water and is a simple spray in the mouth.